Localizing PROGRESS 4GL Applications

Adding Languages to Progress Applications

Do you have opportunities that require adding languages to your application? Has the high cost of localization prevented you from realizing those opportunities? WizTOM for PROGRESS is a highly efficient technology for localizing Progress applications. You can use it to add languages to your application to reach global markets, to expand your base of users in your local market, or to customize applications for individual clients.

If you struggle with maintaining homebrew localization tools and processes, or have projects that have outgrown Progress Translation Manager, WizTom can relieve you of unwieldy localization processess and bring you to a modern and supported methodology.

Features of WizTom™ for Progress

Localize your applications efficiently and cost effectively with WizTOM for PROGRESS. Here are some of the features and benefits of WizTOM for PROGRESS:

Want More Information?

Read the WizTom™ for Progress DataSheet! (Acrobat PDF file)

Download Bill and Tex's Introduction to WizTOM for PROGRESS (Acrobat PDF file, 1 Mb) presented to the New England Progress User's Group, Sept. 22, 2003.